
A novel method of formation of uniform GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures, using selective area metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (SA-MOVPE), and their application to single electron transistors (SETs) are demonstrated. The SiN x -coated substrates having a wire-like opening with three prominences are used. The wire-like opening is aligned in the [110] direction, which corresponds to channel region of SET. AlGaAs/GaAs modulation-doped heterostructures are grown on these substrates. Due to three prominences on the wire, the quasi-one-dimensional electron gas (Q-1DEG) channel, having a periodic variation in its width, are naturally formed. This leads to the formation of a quantum dot near the central prominence and two tunneling barriers beside the dot, which are connected to quantum wires.I D−V G characteristics under constant source-drain bias condition show clear conductance oscilations near the pinch-off, and oscillations are observed up to 65 K.I D−V DS characteristics measured at 2·1 K show clear Coulomb blockade. The results indicate the formation of SET by SA-MOVPE. Using similar method, resistance-load single electron inverter circuit is also fabricated.

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