
Effects of quantum deviation of a two-level atom at coherent scattering on an inhomogeneous optical potential created by crossed electromagnetic fields are considered. The region of interaction is formed by a lowfrequency quantized standing wave from a micromaser and a coherent traveling optical wave generated by an optical fiber located inside a cavity. The atom interacts with both fields under the conditions of two-photon two-wave resonance. It is shown that two effects of quantum deviation of translational motion of the atom can be observed. Interaction with the standing wave is caused under these conditions by a harmonic potential the character of scattering of the atom on which depends significantly on the initial conditions of preparation of the atom and quantized mode. The other effect—deviation of the atom by the classical traveling wave—is also completely quantum mechanical under these conditions and is produced by the noncommutative contribution of the kinetic energy operator of the atom and the interaction energy.

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