
Already Schrodinger tried to proceed towards a purely wave theory of quantum phenomena. However, he should give up and accept Born’s probabilistic interpretation of the wave function. A simple mathematical fact was behind this crucial decision. The wave function of a composite system S = (S 1, S 2) belongs to the tensor product of two L2 spaces and not to their Cartesian product. It was impossible to consider it as a vector function ψ(x) = (ψ 1(x), ψ 2(x)), x ∈ R 3. Here we solved this problem. It is shown that there exists a mathematical formalism that provides a possibility to describe composite quantum systems without appealing to the tensor product of the Hilbert state space, and one can proceed with their Cartesian product. It may have important consequences for the understanding of entanglement and applications to quantum information theory. It seems that “quantum algorithms” can be realized on the basis of classical wave mechanics. However, the interpretation of the proposed mathematical formalism is a difficult problem and needs additional studies.

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