
Summary form only given. Ultra-cold atomic gases trapped in optical lattices offer an unprecedented playground for studying the quantum phases of many-body systems. In particular, quantum states of ultra-cold lattice gases with spin degrees of freedom may be used to simulate quantum magnetism and to investigate physics relevant for our understanding of high-T <sub xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">c</sub> superconductivity. While enormous progress has been made towards engineering such systems, achieving the regime of high-T <sub xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">c</sub> superconductivity remains experimentally extremely challenging because of the low temperatures required [1].Here, we describe a new technique for the preparation of quantum spin-correlations in a lattice gas of ultracold atoms using atom-light interaction of the kind routinely employed in quantum spin polarization spectroscopy (QPS) [2], a promising technique for detecting quantum phases in lattice gases via quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement. Motivated by recent experimental work demonstrating the generation of spin-squeezing and entanglement in atomic ensembles via QND measurement [3], and by the recent extension of these ideas to unpolarized ensembles [5], we propose an alternative approach to preparing quantum spin-correlations, demonstrating that a simple modification of the experimental scheme of Ref. [4] allows for the on-demand preparation of spatial spin-correlations in a quantum lattice gas. Our method is based on entropic cooling via QND measurement and feedback, and allows the creation and detection of quantum spin-correlations, as well as a certain degree of multipartite entanglement, which we verify by deriving a novel generalization of the entanglement witness decribed in Ref. [5]. The proposed technique works with an unpolarized ensemble of non-interacting spins such as may be obtained by loading ultracold atoms into a deep optical lattice. We illustrate the procedure with examples drawn from the bilinear-biquadratic Hamiltonian, which can be modeled by a 1D chain of spin-1 atoms, showing that it is possible to prepare exponentially- and algebraically-decaying correlations, as well as spatial correlation signatures of more exotic quantum phases such as quantum criticalities.

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