
The dynamical properties of quantum coherence in the system of two-coupled-cavities, each of which resonantly interacts with a two-level atom, is investigated via the relative entropy measure. We focus on the coherences for the atom–atom, atom–cavity and cavity–cavity subsystems and find that the dynamical behaviors of these coherences depend largely on the cavity–cavity coupling, which may indicate the Mott insulator-superfluid transition in the thermodynamic limit. We also study the influences of the initial cavity–cavity correlation on the coherences and show that the initial correlation of the cavity–cavity subsystem can enhance the revival ability for the atom–atom and cavity–cavity coherences while reduce that for the atom–cavity coherence. Besides, we demonstrate the qualitative difference of dynamics between coherence and entanglement. Finally, the influences of dissipations including cavity losses and atomic decays on the coherence are explored.

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