
A model of quantum computation based on unitary matrix operations was introduced by Feynman and Deutsch. It has been asked whether the power of this model exceeds that of classical Turing machines. We show here that a significant class of these quantum computations can be simulated classically in polynomial time. In particular we show that two-bit operations characterized by 4 × 4 matrices in which the sixteen entries obey a set of five polynomial relations can be composed according to certain rules to yield a class of circuits that can be simulated classically in polynomial time. This contrasts with the known universality of two-bit operations and demonstrates that efficient quantum computation of restricted classes is reconcilable with the Polynomial Time Turing Hypothesis. Therefore, it is possible that, The techniques introduced bring the quantum computational model within the realm of algebraic complexity theory. In a manner consistent with one view of quantum physics, the wave function is simulated deterministically, and randomization arises only in the course of making measurements. The results generalize the quantum model in that they do not require the matrices to be unitary. In a different direction these techniques also yield deterministic polynomial time algorithms for the decision and parity problems for certain classes of read-twice Boolean formulae. All our results are based on the use of gates that are defined in terms of their graph matching properties.

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