
Abstract In an earlier papera a method for the direct calculation of the difference between a true wavefunction and a trial wavefunction was described for simple diffusion calculations. This paper reports further increases in accuracy obtained by a combination of this difference method with importance sampling. The combination allows the calculation of corrections to the product ΨΨT of true and trial wavefunctions, rather than to the wavefunction Ψ itself. Using a new function g = ΨΨT- Ψ2 T, the original diffusion equation with drift and local energies is altered by replacement of ΨΨT with g and by addition of a distributed source term. Since walkers fed by sampling the source term may be positive or negative, cancellation is required, but both sets of walkers proceed to the same distribution and age-based cancellation may be used. Node locations are not changed and remain at their original locations as specified by the trial function. The corrected wavefunction and the energy obtained are the same as for a fixed-node diffusion calculation using the same trial function for importance sampling. The method is useful in reducing statistical error, and because the statistical error occurs only in the difference terms, it is most effective when the trial wavefunction is already reasonably accurate. In test calculations for the hydrogen atom and the helium atom, both nodeless, the statistical error in the QMC calculations was greatly reduced. Thus, for hydrogen a trial function with an expectation value of -0.4998 hartrees led to a QMC energy of -0.499995(4) hartrees.

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