
OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THEIR USING IN THE FOODSTUFFS COMPOSITIONThe article presents the results of the analytical study of glutathiones properties, as a short chain peptide, and analyzed the possibility of increasing the nutritional and biological value due to its introduction into food products. Glutathione activates assimilation and dismulsion processes in the organism, the results of which are the cells rejuvenation, their protection from negative factors of influence and mutations. Glutathione, like all short-chain peptides, has the ability to break down under the influence of various factors (acidity of the stomach, mechanical effects, and the appearance of moisture in dry foods). The article proposes the solution of the problem of glutathione lack in the organism and the difficulties of the restoration of its level in the organism by means of its stabilization in the pectin matrix. The article describes a method of combining glutathione with functional groups of galacturonic acid residues, using quantum-chemical modeling.

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