
The relation between Brain or Mind and Consciousness is unknown for quite a while. Several Theories and Compositions have been made by Neurologists all over the Globe; still, the relation is still not finite. We face the perception of Time every moment. This perception what Psychologists define as time is nothing but interference combined with interactions of one state of matter with the other which is stored as Memory in our Brain. Now Mind acts like a catalyst and makes us Aware in the process of Recall when we try to perceive time. The mind is the characteristics of our body which eventually drives the Brain. The Proposed Brain-Time Matrix is the measure of various interactions of our mind in our everyday life measured by a 7D Matrix which contains components like Time, Many-Worlds, Space, Illusion or Loop Holes. These Dimensions differ from the String Theory and its expressions for Near-Death Experiences or Out-of-the-Body with explanation is done in this paper. We also investigated on Ghost Particles which are elementary particles or sometimes an unknown field which creates a loophole, other than Fermions and Bosons and its interactions with the brain and the electromagnetic field. We also studied the theory of Consciousness and proved it relation with relation with God's Theorem. The paper represents the various functions of the brain with its relation with Quantum Entanglement and finally forms the Brain-Time Matrix.

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