
The optical spectra of quantum dots of CdS and ZnSe grown in borosilicate glass by the sol–gel method are obtained and analyzed. It is found that at concentrations of the two semiconductors x<0.06% the emission spectra are due to annihilation of free (internal) excitons in quantum states. The mean size of the quantum dots (QDs) for a given concentration of ZnSe and CdS is calculated and found to be in good agreement with the x-ray data, and the exciton binding energy is calculated with allowance for the dielectric mismatch between the semiconductor and matrix. It is proposed that this mismatch may be the cause giving rise to the exciton percolation level that is observed in QD arrays for both systems at x>0.06%. The emission from the surface level of CdS QDs in the region ∼2.7eV, formed by the outer atoms with dangling bonds, is observed for the first time, as is the emission band from surface localized states. The relation between the position of the maximum of this band and the energy of the 1S state of the free exciton is established. It is shown that the properties of surface localized states are largely similar to the analogous properties of localized states of 3D (amorphous semiconductors, substitutional solid solutions of substitution) and 2D (quantum wells and superlattices) structures.

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