
The combined effects of quantum corrections and finite Larmor radius (FLR) have been investigated on the linear hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability of an incompressible stratified plasma. The basic quantum magnetohydrodynamic equations incorporating quantum and FLR effects are constructed and linearized under the small amplitude approximation. The general dispersion relation is derived considering appropriate magnetic field and density profiles using the normal mode analysis. It is analyzed numerically to study the effects of quantum and FLR corrections on the growth rate of RT instability in the stratified hydrodynamic fluids. It is found that the cut-off wavenumber (kmax) and critical wavenumber (kc) determining the growth rate of RT instability are modified due to the presence of FLR corrections and quantum effects. The FLR and quantum corrections have a stabilizing effect on the growth rate of RT instability of a stratified plasma.

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