
The application in cryptography of quantum algorithms for prime factorization fostered the interest in quantum computing. However, quantum computers, and particularly quantum annealers, can also be helpful to construct secure cryptographic keys. Indeed, finding robust Boolean functions for cryptography is an important problem in sequence ciphers, block ciphers, and hash functions, among others. Due to the super-exponential size $\mathcal{O}(2^{2^n})$ of the associated space, finding $n$-variable Boolean functions with global cryptographic constraints is computationally hard. This problem has already been addressed employing generic low-connected incoherent D-Wave quantum annealers. However, the limited connectivity of the Chimera graph, together with the exponential growth in the complexity of the Boolean function design problem, limit the problem scalability. Here, we propose a special-purpose coherent quantum annealing architecture with three couplers per qubit, designed to optimally encode the bent function design problem. A coherent quantum annealer with this tree-type architecture has the potential to solve the $8$-variable bent function design problem, which is classically unsolved, with only $127$ physical qubits and $126$ couplers. This paves the way to reach useful quantum supremacy within the framework of quantum annealing for cryptographic purposes.

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