
The geometro-stochastic quantization of a gauge theory for extended objects based on the (4, 1)-de Sitter group is used for the description of quantized matter in interaction with gravitation. In this context a Hilbert bundle ℋ over curved space-time B is introduced, possessing the standard fiber ℋ\(_{\bar \eta }^{(\rho )} \), being a resolution kernel Hilbert space (with resolution generator\(\tilde \eta \)and generalized coherent state basis) carrying a spin-zero phase space representation of G=SO(4, 1) belonging to the principal series of unitary irreducible representations determined by the parameter ρ. The bundle ℋ, associated to the de Sitter frame bundle P(B, G), provides a geometric arena with built-in fundamental length parameter R (taken to be of the order of 10−13 cm characterizing hadron physics) yielding, in the presence of gravitation, a quantum kinematical framework for the geometro-stochastic description of spinless matter described in terms of generalized quantum mechanical wave functions, Ψxρ(ξ, ζ), defined on #x210B;. By going over to a nonlinear realization of the de Sitter group with the help of a section ξ(x) on the soldered bundle E, associated to P, with homogeneous fiber V′4⋍G/H, one is able to recover gravitation in a de Sitter gauge invariant manner as a gauge theory related to the Lorentz subgroup H of G. ξ(x) plays the dual role of a symmetry-reducing and an extension field. After introducing covariant bilinear source currents in the fields Ψxρ(ξ, ζ) and their adjoints determined by G-invariant integration over the local fibers in ℋ, a quantum fiber dynamical (QFD) framework is set up for the dynamics at small distances in B determining the geometric quantities beyond the classical metric of Einstein's theory through a set of current-curvature field equations representing the source equations for axial vector torsion and the de Sitter boost contributions to the bundle connection (the latter defining the soldering forms of the Cartan connection in P(B, G) in the nonlinear gauge). The presented bundle framework yields a theory for quantized material objects in interaction with gravitation, the long-range metrical part of which remains classical.

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