
This paper proposes a transform domain data-hiding scheme for quality access control of images. The original image is decomposed into tiles by applying n-level lifting-based discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). A binary watermark image (external information) is spatially dispersed using the sequence of number generated by a secret key. The encoded watermark bits are then embedded into all DWT-coefficients of n <sup xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">th</sup> -level and only in the high-high (HH) coefficients of the subsequent levels using dither modulation (DM) but without complete self-noise suppression. It is well known that due to insertion of external information, there will be degradation in visual quality of the host image (cover). The degree of deterioration depends on the amount of external data insertion as well as step size used for DM. If this insertion process is reverted, better quality of images can be accessed. To achieve that goal, watermark bits are detected using minimum distance decoder and the remaining self-noise due to information embedding is suppressed to provide better quality of image. The simulation results have shown the validity of this claim.

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