
Quantitative trait divergence and variability among 12 greenfinch populations across continental Europe was examined and compared to divergence in neutral genetic markers (allozymes). The added among locality variance component for 16 skeletal traits was large (mean 28%, range 4–48%) equalling a divergence of up to three SD units. The divergence in quantitative traits (Qst = 0.04-0.48) greatly exceeded that in alloymes (FST= 0.01-0.07), indicating the differentiation in quantitative traits to be larger than expected by mutation and drift alone. This conclusion was consistent also with results from the multivariate approach of Rogers & Harpending. However, genetic and morphometric distances between populations were positively correlated, even when controlling for the geographic distance separating pairs of populations. In concordance with Bergmann's rule, most traits were strongly and positively correlated with latitude, indicating latitudinally ordered genetic or/and environmental effects. However, the correlation between lower mandible width and latitude was strongly negative, demonstrating an inverse relationship between beak size and body size across the populations. These results are interpreted to reflect the re-colonization of history of northern Europe (genetic and geographic distances correlated) which has been paralleled by selection acting on quantitative traits (QST>FST)- In particular, the counter-gradient variation in beak width, a functionally important trait, is suggestive of an adaptive basis for quantitative trait divergence.

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