
A metastable supercooled homogeneous vortex liquid state exists down to zero ∞uctuation temperature in systems of mutually repelling objects. The zero- temperature liquid state therefore serves as a (pseudo) 'flxed point' controlling the prop- erties of vortex liquid below and even around the melting point. Based on this picture, a quantitative theory of vortex melting and glass transition in Type II superconductors in the framework of Ginzburg{Landau approach is presented. The melting line location is determined and magnetization and speciflc heat jumps are calculated. The point-like dis- order shifts the line downwards and joins the order{disorder transition line. On the other hand, the disorder induces irreversible efiects via replica symmetry breaking. The irre- versibility line can be calculated within the Gaussian variational method. Therefore, the generic phase diagram contains four phases divided by the irreversibility line and melting line: liquid, solid, vortex glass and Bragg glass. We compare various experimental results with the theoretical formula.

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