
The present day abundance of cheap computing power enables the use of quantum chemical ab initio data in Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs). Optimised bond lengths are a new such class of descriptors, which we have successfully used previously in representing electronic effects in medicinal and ecological QSARs (enzyme inhibitory activity, hydrolysis rate constants and pKas). Here we use AM1 and HF/3-21G* bond lengths in conjunction with Partial Least Squares (PLS) and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to predict the Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin (CBG) binding activity of the classic steroid data set, and the antibacterial activity of nitrofuran derivatives. The current procedure, which does not require molecular alignment, produces good r2 and q2 values. Moreover, it highlights regions in the common steroid skeleton deemed relevant to the active regions of the steroids and nitrofuran derivatives.

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