
Backgrounds Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv) presymptomatic subjects undergo multidisciplinary evaluation to detect, as early as possible, a subclinical involvement of multisystem disease. Quantitative sensory testing (QST) that investigates and discriminates the function of C, Aδ and Aβ fibers is included as an instrumental test to monitor nerve fiber function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of QST in the context of the multidisciplinary evaluation in late onset carriers. Methods Four-teen presymptomatic (namely carriers) were enrolled. Subjects underwent thermal [cold and warm detection threshold (CDT, WDT), cold and heat pain (CP and HP)] and tactile QST in four body sites: foot dorsum, distal lateral leg, distal thigh, hand dorsum. Results Overall, presymptomatic subject showed a significant difference in all thermal QST findings compared to the control group. All subjects had at least one altered thermal QST finding; the sites more frequently altered were foot and leg, whilst the thermal modalities which were more frequently abnormal were CDT, WDT and CP. Conclusions Our study highlights the importance of performing thermal QST in subjects carrying TTR mutation, given the high frequency of abnormal findings. Notably, performing both innocuous and painful stimulation in foot and/or leg increases the chance of detecting nerve fiber dysfunction. Moreover, the investigation of the hand may provide useful information in monitoring disease progression before the Predicted Age of Disease Onset (PADO).

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