
Preeclampsia is a heterogeneous and multiorgan cardiovascular disorder of pregnancy. Here, we report the development of a novel strip-based lateral flow assay (LFA) using lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles conjugated to antibodies targeting two different biomarkers for detection of preeclampsia. We first measured circulating plasma FKBPL and CD44 protein concentrations from individuals with early-onset preeclampsia (EOPE), using ELISA. We confirmed that the CD44/FKBPL ratio is reduced in EOPE with a good diagnostic potential. Using our rapid LFA prototypes, we achieved an improved lower limit of detection: 10 pg ml-1 for FKBPL and 15 pg ml-1 for CD44, which is more than one order lower than the standard ELISA method. Using clinical samples, a cut-off value of 1.24 for CD44/FKBPL ratio provided positive predictive value of 100 % and the negative predictive value of 91 %. Our LFA shows promise as a rapid and highly sensitive point-of-care test for preeclampsia.

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