
Accurate segmentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) lesion areas from dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) facilitates subsequent diagnostic and prognostic workups. However, in previous studies, little consideration has been given to incorporating the pharmacokinetic feature Ktrans as auxiliary information for segmenting NPC in DCE-MRI. Therefore, this paper proposes the use of a pharmacokinetic extended Tofts and Kermode (ETK) model to obtain the Ktrans feature from DCE-MRI and combine it with MRI images for nasopharyngeal tumor segmentation. Additionally, this paper proposes a multi-input branch residual U-Net (MBRU-Net) model that effectively fuses DCE-MRI features and Ktrans features. The effectiveness of the multibranch network is validated by comparing MBRU-Net with ResU-Net with DCE-MRI + Ktrans data. Additionally, different models are trained with DCE-MRI and DCE-MRI + Ktrans data separately and compared to validate the effectiveness of multimodal data using the Dice coefficient. Our proposed MBRU-Net achieves the best Dice in this study (67.39 ± 15.79%), higher than ResU-Net's Dice (65.57 ± 17.52) based on DCE-MRI and Ktrans data. U-Net, SegNet, R2U-Net, and ResU-Net achieve better results in terms of segmenting tumor regions with DCE-MRI + Ktrans data than those of the corresponding models with DCE-MRI data alone, where U-Net has the best performance (DCE-MRI + Ktrans: DCE-MRI = 66.31 ± 17.80%: 61.10 ± 24.14%). The results show that it is beneficial to add a pharmacokinetic parametric (Ktrans) map as prior information to the conventional anatomical MRI-based segmentation task, and multibranch network structures perform better than single-branch network structures in terms of NPC segmentation.

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