
In this paper two quantitative true measures of corrosion and prevention are introduced.First, the corrosion protection factor–cpf–is defined as a measure of the way and the extent to which corrosion prevention and control are carried out in a concern, industry or farming activity. With the help of the maintenance factor–defined as a measure of the way and extent inspective and preventive maintenance are applied–it is proved that cpf can be considered to be a true measuring instrument. The procedure for calculating the cpf and some specific properties and examples of its application in two farming activities in The Netherlands are shown. Second, the corrosion condition of machinery and equipment–c.c.–is defined as the technical external corrosion situation of a machine and/or its parts. C.c. is established by using a classification scheme and arranging the machines according to their corrosion damage. It is shown that cpf and C.C. are simple instruments for studying and evaluating the contribution and efficiency of several methods of corrosion prevention and control. Cpf is correlated–using statistical techniques based on the method of least squares–with the corrosion costs and the corrosion condition, with the purpose of analysing and improving corrosion protection policy.

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