
The hydrodynamic behavior of fissured media relies on the relationships between a few very conductive fractures (channels) and the remaining low-conductivity fractures and matrix (blocks). We made a quantitative measurement of those relationships and their effect on water drainage and storage in a 19,000 m3 natural reservoir consisting of karstified limestones. This reservoir was artificially saturated with water by closing a water gate on the main outlet during a varying time (delta t) fixed by the operator. The water gate was completely or partly closed until the water pressure reached a particular specified value. If the water gate was left completely closed long enough, the water pressure was fixed by the elevation of temporary outlets at the site boundaries. The water elevation within the reservoir was monitored by means of pressure cells located on single fractures representative of the bedding plane and the two families of fractures of the massif network. The comparison of pressure variations with the network geometry allows us to identify a typical double permeability characterized by a few very conductive channels along 10 vertical faults. These channels limit blocks consisting of low-conductivity bedding planes and a rather impervious matrix. Depending on the closure interval, delta t, of the water gate, the total volume of water stored in the reservoir can vary from 0.8 m3 (delta t = 5 minutes) to 18.6 m3 (delta t = 2 days). Such a variance of storage versus closure time is explained by the reservoir's double permeability that is characterized by blocks that saturate much more slowly than channels. If plotted versus time, this injected volume fits a power relationship, according to the saturation state of the blocks. In less than 34 minutes, storage is close to zero in the blocks and to 1.6 to 2 m3 in the channels. For closing times shorter than 1 hour, only 1% of the volume that flows in the channels is stored into the blocks. Depending on the water pressure and for a given delta t = 3000 minutes, the volume of water stored is controlled by the geometry of the joint network and of the aquifer boundaries. Such an experiment shows that the flow is concentrated in about 10% of the fractured network (channels). The water storage that takes place in the 90% remaining fractures (blocks) depends mainly on time during which pressure remains high into the 10% channels. The accurate modeling of such typical double-permeability media needs a careful study of the geometry of the channels whose narrowings modify the flow and induce dam effects that maintain a high pressure gradient with surrounding blocks.

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