
There are increasing interests and investigations into the phytochemical constituents of plant foods. Currently there are scarce literature on the quantified phytochemical constituents of the peel, seed and pulp of the ripe orange fruits cultivated in Nigeria. Arising from this background this research was conducted. The quantitative analytical methods were used in analyzing the peels, pulps and seeds of the oranges. Results indicates that varied concentrations of flavonoids, alkaloids, phytates, tannins, phenols, oxalates, terpenols and saponins exists in the peels, pulps and seeds of the ripe oranges. The statistical analysis done on the results shows that some significant differences exist between the determined parameters at (P < 0.05). The variations in the phytochemicals of the peels, pulps and seeds of the fruits could be attributed to several factors such as, the differences in growth conditions, genetic factors, geographical variations, harvesting conditions et cetera. The phytochemicals detected have been well documented for their roles as antioxidants, capable of scavenging the free radicals, thus preventing tissue damages and degenerative diseases like some cancers. Conclusively, the consumption of the pulps of oranges could afford the humans access to positive health maintenance while the constituents of the peels and seeds could be useful in pharmacological preparations and as feed stuff for animals

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