
In recent years, the broader environmental impacts of remediation that arise from different remediation activities has drawn attention of practitioners, remediation design professionals and academicians to evaluate the net environmental benefit of environmental remediation projects. The main objective of this paper is to describe the Quantitative Assessment of Life Cycle Sustainability (QUALICS) framework, a new tool developed to strengthen decision-making in the selection of sustainable remedial technologies for the clean-up of contaminated sites. The proposed framework is a combination of two multi-criteria evaluation methods namely, the Integrated Value Model for Sustainable Assessment (MIVES) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The QUALICS uses a multi-criteria assessment framework to support decision-making in remediation projects. A description of the methodology adopted for sustainability assessment of alternative remedial strategies using QUALICS framework is presented in this study. In addition, a case study is discussed to demonstrate the application of the QUALICS framework for the sustainability assessment of different remediation options for clean-up of a contaminated site. The case study involves sustainability assessment of different remediation options namely, electrokinetic remediation (EKR), excavation/disposal, and phytoremediation for remediation of a contaminated site. A sensitivity analysis was also performed for the EKR option by varying different parameters including electrode materials, energy source, electrolyte used, to analyze their influence on the sustainability of the alternative remedial options. The proposed framework can also be applied to any project in general to quantify and compare the sustainability indices of each of the alternative options considered and thereby identify the most sustainable option.

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