
In today's deregulated, the world continues its voyage towards modernization, and there is a great demand for inventive in product and services development, Visual acuity measurement has become one of the most successful clinical tests of visual function, Visual Acuity (V. A) Commonly refers to the clarity of vision, in another dimension, although V. A. is an estimate of the visual system's ability to resolve the details. However, the estimates of Visual acuity are taken by evaluating and measuring the eye's ability to realize and resolve varying sizes of letters and shapes in Snellen's chart. More recently attention has focused on the luminance of the visual acuity chart while it is essential to consider the overall room illumination during visual acuity measuring. It has commonly been assumed that the rise in ambient room illumination decreases the size of the pupil. A smaller pupil increases the depth of focus furthermore reductions the peripheral light rays that entering into the eye. Thus, the reduced pupil diameter great less spherical deviation and other higher order aberration, such as coma aberration. A clinician may achieve an artificially better estimate of visual acuity in a brightly-lit examination room. The aims of this study is to determine the factors affecting Visual Acuity by changing the luminance. Fourteen patients aged 19 to 24 years were chosen. Monocular visual acuity patients were assessed under five different luminance levels (different colors), and V. A was measured in the patients with each room color. The results showed that there is a clear difference in the measurement of V. A when the light was changed from color to another. The visual acuity of patients was assessed using the five different levels of illumination.

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