
The aim of this study was to find the quantitative and structural changes in the rat testis and changes of semen quality after a diazinon administration. METHODS: Rats received diazinon (99% purity) in thier drinking water (40 mg.l-1) with free access. Age of rats at the beginning of the experiment was 30 days and experiment lasted for next 90 days. The histological samples were evaluated by histological and morphometric methods in light microscopy and the samples of semen were evaluated with CASA method. RESULTS: Disintergation of cellular associations in the seminiferous epithelium, germ cells evacuation into the tubule lumen and thier necrosis were mostly observed. Rarely vacuolisation and cracks of epithelium and fibrotisation of interstitial tissue were noted. Morphometric methods have shown extension of epithelium (P<0,01), reduction of tubule lumen (P<0,001) and dilatation of blood vessels (P<0,001). In CASA analysis elevation of all parameters were noted, with statistically significant increase of DSL, VSL, ALH. Dilatation of blood vessels will be probably one of the most significant finding in diazinon toxicity because changes in blood flow in the testis are the key factors of accurate physiological function of testis. The epithelium despite the serious disintegration of germ cells associations and release of these necrotised germ cells to the lumen was significantly extended. This fact indicates the self-reparation compensational function. The same tendency (stimulation effects) has been found in all analysed sperm parameters. It supports previous hypothesis. CONCLUSIONS: Diazinon in this design of experiment causes the disintegration of the germinal epithelium cells associations consequently leading to necrosis and release of these cells to the tubule lumen. Dilatation of blood vessels and unknown stimulation effect on sperm quality parameters are two other common effects of diazinon. We concluded that diazinon in our subchronic low dose test causes middle to moderate histological, morphometric and semen quality changes which were partially compensated with some unknown recovery mechanism. Otherwise, subcellular structures and their functions may be damaged which can lead to subfertility. Further investigation of diazinon is needed for verification of our hypothesis.


  • MATERIÁL A METÓDY20 samcov potkanov línie Wistar bolo náhodne rozdelených do dvoch skupín po 10 nasledovne: kontrolná skupina a skupina s opakovaným perorálnym podávaním diazinonu

  • Diazinon je pesticíd určený na reguláciu rozmanitého hmyzu patriaci do skupiny organofosforečných pesticídov používaných v poľnohospodárstve, veterinárnej medicíne a domácnostiach

  • Po usmrtení sa vykonala anatomická pitva a odobrali sa vzorky semenníkov, ktoré sa fixovali v modifikovanom Davidsonovom roztoku (Latendresse et al, 2002)

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20 samcov potkanov línie Wistar bolo náhodne rozdelených do dvoch skupín po 10 nasledovne: kontrolná skupina a skupina s opakovaným perorálnym podávaním diazinonu. Vek zvierat v oboch skupinách pri začiatku experimentu bol 30 dní. Samcom experimentálnej skupiny sa podával diazinon (Sigma-Aldrich, USA; 99% čistota) v pitnej vode, v koncentrácii 40 mg.l-1 počas 90 dní. Na konci experimentu boli samci oboch skupín anestetizovaní (parami éteru) a humánne usmrtení. Po usmrtení sa vykonala anatomická pitva a odobrali sa vzorky semenníkov, ktoré sa fixovali v modifikovanom Davidsonovom roztoku (Latendresse et al, 2002). Zvieratá boli umiestnené individuálne v plastových nádobách na podstieľke z drevených hoblín. V priestoroch pokusného zariadenia sa dodržiavali základné nároky na životné podmienky (teplota 20 – 22 °C, vlhkosť 55 ± 10 %, 12 hodinový svetelný režim) a neobmedzený prístup k vode a krmivu (M3, Máchal, Česká republika) podľa nariadenia vlády SR č. Experimenty sa vykonávali v schválenom pokusnom zariadení SK PC 50004 SPU v Nitre

Histologické a morfometrické hodnotenie
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