
The glycosaminoglycan (periodic acid — Schiff, PAS) and hyaluronic acid (alcian blue) content of the membrana granulosa, zona pellucida and antrum of rat ovarian follicles was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively during the estrous cycle in three types of follicles: ovulable, early atretic and late atretic. The qualitative analysis consisted of the conjunctive localization of PAS-reactive, fluorescent granules within the membrana granulosa. The quantitative analysis consisted of microdensitometric measurements of PAS and alcian blue staining within the zona pellucida and antrum of the ovulable and atretic follicles. For the localization of PAS granules within the granulosa cells, ovaries were removed on the day of proestrus, fixed in 6% paraformaldehyde, embedded in methacrylate and sectioned. Following the examination of the cells for fluorescence, the same section was stained with PAS and lead-hematoxylin. In ovulable follicles there was no fluorescence in the membrana granulosa while PAS granules occurred exclusively within the cells of the cumulus and corona radiata. In late atretic follicles, fluorescent-PAS reactive granules were located in the granulosa cells at the periphery of the follicle. During early atresia no fluorescence and very few PAS granules were observed in the granulosa cells. Since fluorescence is a marker for some lysosomes, these observations suggest that the PAS granules in the ovulable follicles may not be a type of lysosome. The amount of stain in the zona pellucida and antrum of the three follicular types was quantified using a scanning and integrating microdensitometer. On all days of the estrous cycle, PAS intensity was higher in the zona pellucida than in the antrum of the three follicular types. PAS staining in the respective antra was the same on all days of the estrous cycle. Intrafollicular PAS staining in the zonae pellucidae differed during the cycle. With respect to the zonae pellucidae, staining intensity in the three follicles was identical on estrus. On diestrus-1, staining intensity was the same in the ovulable and early atretic follicles and less in the late atretic follicle. By diestrus-2 and on proestrus, PAS intensity was highest in the zona pellucida of the ovulable follicle and less in the zona pellucida of both types of atretic follicle. In contrast to this pattern of staining, alcian blue staining intensity was identical in the zona pellucida of all follicles throughout the cycle. There was no difference in intra-antral alcian blue staining intensity on estrus and diestrus-2. On diestrus-1 and proestrus, staining intensity was greater in the antrum of the late atretic follicle than in the antra of the other follicular types. These studies indicate that glycosaminoglycan content is greater in the zona pellucida of the ovulable follicle of the rat on the last two days preceding ovulation than in the zona pellucida of either the early or late atretic follicles. In contrast, hyaluronic acid content remains constant in the zona pellucida of the three follicular types throughout the estrous cycle. These studies also give the first indication that, in the rat, the localization of PAS granules exclusively in the cumulus oophorus and corona radiata may be used to identify ovulable follicles.

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