
The study was undertaken with the objective to develop strategies for certification of wood and woodcraft products for Saharanpur District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The primary data was collected through a preliminary survey, from the various stakeholder including manufacturers and exporters commission agents /brokers traders, and artisans.The data analysis relates to the awareness regarding wood certification among stakeholders, which indicates a very low level of that awareness among all stakeholders. Only 16.67% Commission agents, 11.28% manufactures and traders, 4.26% of traders are aware of the wood certification 79.17% commission agents/brokers, 97.74% manufacturers and exporters,95.74% traders and100.0%craft sman responded that they are not very much aware of the procedure and practices of wood certification. The majority of stakeholders are of the view that the role of non-government organization for wood certification which would work as a bridge between government and stakeholders. The share 97.74% of manufactures and exporters answered that non-government organization creates awareness for wood certification and sustainable forest management. It was also revealed that the timber growers (Forest department and Farmers) should take initiative for certifying their wood rather than other stakeholders of the woodcraft industry.

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