
One of the key objectives of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the smart grid advanced metering infrastructure is to threaten the availability of end user's metering data. This will surely disrupt the smooth operations of the grid and third party operators who need this data for billing and other grid control purposes. In previous work, we proposed a cloud-based Openflow firewall for mitigation against DDoS attack in a smart grid AMI. In this paper, PRISM model checker is used to perform a probabilistic best-and worst-case analysis of the firewall with regard to DDoS attack success under different firewall detection probabilities ranging from zero to 1. The results from this quantitative analysis can be useful in determining the extent the DDoS attack can undermine the correctness and performance of the firewall. In addition, the study can also be helpful in knowing the extent the firewall can be improved by applying the knowledge derived from the worst-case performance of the firewall.

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