
IntroductionUtilization an in-situ pedicle of the external carotid artery (ECA) as an arterial donor can allow for the successful augmentation or replacement of flow to a large vascular territory. We propose a mathematical model for quantitatively analyzing and grading the suitability of donor and recipient bypass vessels based on a set of anatomical and surgical variables in order to predict which pair has the greatest possibility for success. Using this method, we analyze all of the potential donor-recipient pairs for each ECA donor vessel—including the superficial temporal (STA), middle meningeal (MMA), and occipital (OA) arteries. MethodsThe ECA pedicles were dissected in frontotemporal, middle fossa, subtemporal, retrosigmoid, far lateral, suboccipital, supracerebellar, and occipital transtentorial approaches. For each approach, every potential donor-recipient pair was identified, and donor length and diameter were measured as well as depth of field, angle of exposure, ease of proximal control, maneuverability, and length and diameter of the recipient segment. Anastomotic pair scores were determined by adding the weighted donor and recipient. ResultsThe best overall anastomotic pairs were OA-vertebral artery (V3, 17.1) and STA-insular (M2, 16.3) and STA-sylvian (M3, 15.9) segments of the middle cerebral artery. Other strong anastomotic combinations were OA- telovelotonsillar (15) and OA- tonsilomedullary (14.9) segments of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and MMA-lateral pontomesencephalic segment of the superior cerebellar artery (14.2). ConclusionsThis novel model for anastamotic pair scoring can serve as a useful clinical tool for selecting the optimal donor, recipient, and approach combination that can help facilitate a successful bypass.

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