
Autoradiographic patterns of [3H]thymidine incorporation, nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios (N/C), and the percentage of dark epithelial cells were analyzed in a group of epithelial lesions induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in rat tracheal transplants. It was found that similar lesions of different age exhibit the same labeling indices (LIs), therefore the lesions of different age were subsequently pooled in the following groups and studied by high resolution light microscopic autoradiography: squamous metaplasia without or with only mild atypia, squamous metaplasia with moderate atypia, squamous metaplasia with severe atypia, carcinoma in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma. Normal tracheal and esophageal epithelia were also analyzed. Whereas the normal tracheal basal layer exhibited an LI smaller than 1%, a clear difference between the carcinomas (in situ and invasive) on one hand (LI approximately 32%) and all the remaining epithelia on the other hand (LI approximately 18%) was detected. The LIs of the suprabasal cells exhibited a statistically significant difference between the squamous epithelia without atypia (LI approximately 2%) and the group comprising all the atypical lesions (LI approximately 9%). Gradients of increasing N/C (nucleus-cytoplasm ratios) values could be observed as the lesions increased in severity, especially in the middle and surface layers (e.g., in the surface layer regular metaplasia N/C = 0.08, squamous metaplasia with moderate atypia N/C = 0.26, and carcinoma in situ N/C = 0.50). Dark cells were absent in the normal esophageal epithelium, were present in moderate numbers in the basal layer of regular squamous metaplasia (18%), and increased markedly in the atypical epithelial lesions (approximately 50% in the atypical squamous metaplasias and 70% in carcinoma in situ). In the suprabasal layer dark cells increased from 3% in squamous metaplasia with moderate atypia to 28% in metaplasia with severe atypia and 56% in carcinoma in situ. The results confirm in a quantitative fashion that disturbances of cell maturation and cell proliferation are key features of dysplastic lesions induced by chemical carcinogens, and suggest the use of objective parameters for evaluation and classification of preneoplastic alterations.

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