
Optimal bladder compliance is essential to urinary bladder storage and voiding functions. Calculated as the change in filling volume per change in pressure, bladder compliance is used clinically to characterize changes in bladder wall biomechanical properties that associate with lower urinary tract dysfunction. But because this method calculates compliance without regard to wall structure or wall volume, it gives little insight into the mechanical properties of the bladder wall during filling. Thus, we developed Pentaplanar Reflected Image Macroscopy (PRIM): a novel ex vivo imaging method to accurately calculate bladder wall stress and stretch in real time during bladder filling. The PRIM system simultaneously records intravesical pressure, infused volume, and an image of the bladder in five distinct visual planes. Wall thickness and volume were then measured and used to calculate stress and stretch during filling. As predicted, wall stress was nonlinear; only when intravesical pressure exceeded ~ 15mmHg did bladder wall stress rapidly increase with respect to stretch. This method of calculating compliance as stress vs stretch also showed that the mechanical properties of the bladder wall remain similar in bladders of varying capacity. This study demonstrates how wall tension, stress and stretch can be measured, quantified, and used to accurately define bladder wall biomechanics in terms of actual material properties and not pressure/volume changes. This method is especially useful for determining how changes in bladder biomechanics are altered in pathologies where profound bladder wall remodeling occurs, such as diabetes and spinal cord injury.

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