
New developments in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilitate high-quality data acquisition of human velopharyngeal deformations in real-time speech. With recently established speech motion atlases, group analysis is made possible via spatially and temporally aligned datasets in the atlas space from a desired population of interest. In practice, when analyzing motion characteristics from various subjects performing a designated speech task, it is observed that different subjects' velopharyngeal deformation patterns could vary during the pronunciation of the same utterance, regardless of the spatial and temporal alignment of their MRI. Since such variation can be subtle, identification and extraction of unique patterns out of these high-dimensional datasets is a challenging task. In this work, we present a method that computes and visualizes subtle deformation variation patterns as principal components of a subject group's dynamic motion fields in the atlas space. Coupled with the real-time speech audio recordings during image acquisition, the key time frames that contain maximum speech variations are identified by the principal components of temporally aligned audio waveforms, which in turn inform the temporal location of the maximum spatial deformation variation. Henceforth, the motion fields between the key frames and the reference frame for each subject are computed and warped into the common atlas space, enabling a direct extraction of motion variation patterns via quantitative analysis. The method was evaluated on a dataset of twelve healthy subjects. Subtle velopharyngeal motion differences were visualized quantitatively to reveal pronunciation-specific patterns among different subjects.

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