
1. Introduction: Approaches to Quantifying Bourdieu 2. How Bourdieu 'Quantified' Bourdieu: The Geometric Modelling of Data 3. Quantifying the Field of Power in Norway 4. The Homology Thesis: Distinction Revisited 5. Transmutations of Capitals in Canada: A 'Social Space' Approach 6. The Cumulative Impact of Capital on Dispositions Across Time: A Fifteen Year Perspective of Canadian Young Women and Men 7. The Influence of Cultural Capital on Educational and Early Labour Market Outcomes of Young People in Australia 8. Teenage Time Use as Investment in Cultural Capital 9. Cultural Capital and Access to Highly Selective Education: The Case of Admission to Oxford 10. Applying Bourdieu's Concepts of Social and Cultural Capital in Educational Research in Greece and Cyprus 11. Occupational Structures: The Stratification Space of Social Interaction 12. Women's Work and Cultural Reproduction: An Analysis of Non-Wage Labour in Central Ontario, 1861 13. Quantifying Social Class: A Latent Clustering Approach 14. Changing Determinants of Lifestyles in Hungary, 1982-1998 15. Fanship Habitus: The Consumption of Sport in the US 16. Quantifying Habitus: Future Directions

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