
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a popular tool for worldwide learners. However, a lack of emotional interaction and support is an important reason for learners to abandon their learning and eventually results in poor learning performance. This study applied an integrative framework of achievement emotions to uncover their holistic influence on students’ learning by analyzing more than 400,000 forum posts from 13 MOOCs. Six machine-learning models were first built to automatically identify achievement emotions, including K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines. Results showed that Random Forest performed the best with a kappa of 0.83 and an ROC_AUC of 0.97. Then, multilevel modeling with the “Stepwise Build-up” strategy was used to quantify the effect of achievement emotions on students’ academic performance. Results showed that different achievement emotions influenced students’ learning differently. These findings allow MOOC platforms and instructors to provide relevant emotional feedback to students automatically or manually, thereby improving their learning in MOOCs.

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