
Abstract In this study, collocated satellite and buoy observations as well as satellite observations over an extended region during 2006–10 were used to quantify the humidity effects on marine boundary layer (MBL) aerosols. Although the near-surface aerosol size increases with increasing near-surface relative humidity (RH), the influence of RH decreases with increasing height and is mainly limited to the lower well-mixed layer. In addition, the size changes of MBL aerosols with RH are different for low and high surface wind () conditions as revealed by observations and Mie scattering calculations, which may be related to different dominant processes (i.e., the hygroscopic growth process during low wind and the evaporation process during sea salt production during high wind). These different hygroscopic processes under the different conditions, together with the MBL processes, control the behaviors of the MBL aerosol optical depth () with RH. In particular, under high conditions, the MBL stratifications effects can overwhelm the humidity effects, resulting in a weak relationship of MBL on RH. Under low conditions, the stronger hygroscopic growth can overwhelm the MBL stratification effects and enhance the MBL with increasing RH. These results are important to evaluate and to improve MBL aerosols simulations in climate models.

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