
The spatial separation of photosystems I and II (PSI and PSII) is thought to be essential for efficient photosynthesis by maintaining a balanced flow of excitation energy between them. Unlike the thylakoid membranes of plant chloroplasts, cyanobacterial thylakoids do not form tightly appressed grana stacks that enforce strict lateral separation. The coexistence of the two photosystems provides a ground for spillover-excitation energy transfer from PSII to PSI. Spillover has been considered as a pathway of energy transfer from the phycobilisomes to PSI and may also play a role in state transitions as means to avoid overexcitation of PSII. Here, we demonstrate a significant degree of energy spillover from PSII to PSI in reconstituted membranes and isolated thylakoid membranes of Thermosynechococcus (Thermostichus) vulcanus and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The quantum yield of spillover in these systems was determined to be up to 40%. Spillover was also found in intact cells but to a considerably lower degree (20%) than in isolated thylakoid membranes. The findings support a model of coexistence of laterally separated microdomains of PSI and PSII in the cyanobacterial cells as well as domains where the two photosystems are energetically connected. The methodology presented here can be applied to probe spillover in other photosynthetic organisms.

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