
Seafloor reflection loss and roughness measurements were taken at the Experimental Validation of Acoustic Modeling Techniques experiment in 2006. The magnitude and phase of the reflection loss was measured at frequencies from 5 to 80 kHz and grazing angles from 7° to 77°. Approximately 1500 samples were taken for each angle. The roughness was measured with a laser profiler. Geoacoustic parameters such as water and sediment sound speed and density were measured concurrently. The reflection loss data were compared with three models: A flat interface elastic model based on geoacoustic measurements; a flat interface poro-elastic model based on the Biot/Stoll model; and a rough interface model based on the measured interface roughness power spectrum. The data were most consistent with the poro-elastic model including scattering. The elastic model consistently predicted values for the reflection loss which were higher than measured. The data exhibited more variability than the model due to layering and fluctuations in the propagating medium.

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