
Abstract. River water plays a critical role in riparian plant water use and riparian ecosystem restoration along losing rivers (i.e., river water recharging underlying groundwater). How to quantify the contributions of river water to the transpiration of riparian plants under different groundwater levels and the related responses of plant water use efficiency is a great challenge. In this study, observations of stable isotopes of water (δ2H and δ18O), 222Rn, and leaf δ13C were conducted for the deep-rooted riparian weeping willow (Salix babylonica L.) in 2019 (dry year) and 2021 (wet year) along the Chaobai River in Beijing, China. We proposed an iteration method in combination with the MixSIAR model to quantify the river water contribution to the transpiration of riparian S. babylonica and its correlations with the water table depth and leaf δ13C. Our results demonstrated that riparian S. babylonica took up deep water (in the 80–170 cm soil layer and groundwater) by 56.5 % ± 10.8 %. River water recharging riparian deep water was an indirect water source and contributed 20.3 % of water to the transpiration of riparian trees near the losing river. Significantly increasing river water uptake (by 7.0 %) and decreasing leaf δ13C (by −2.0 ‰) of riparian trees were observed as the water table depth changed from 2.7 m in the dry year of 2019 to 1.7 m in the wet year of 2021 (p<0.05). The higher water availability probably promoted stomatal opening and thus increased transpiration water loss, leading to the decreasing leaf δ13C in the wet year compared to the dry year. The river water contribution to the transpiration of riparian S. babylonica was found to be negatively linearly correlated with the water table depth and leaf δ13C (p<0.01). The rising groundwater level may increase the water extraction from the groundwater and/or river and produce a consumptive river-water-use pattern of riparian trees, which can have an adverse impact on the conservation of both river flow and riparian vegetation. This study provides new insights into understanding the mechanisms of the water cycle in a groundwater–soil–plant–atmosphere continuum and managing water resources and riparian afforestation along losing rivers.

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