
The motional dynamics of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging tools can significantly influence the measurement performance of such tools. NMR logging is used for geophysical evaluation in geological environments, primarily quantifying formation porosity and fluid volumes, as well as providing a qualitative estimation of permeability. NMR logging tools are conveyed via two main mechanisms; wireline logging and logging while drilling (LWD). We conduct detailed simulations to quantify the impact of tool motion on NMR measurements during logging. This involves conducting electromagnetic simulations which quantify the magnetic fields generated by a logging tool, and subsequently introducing motion profiles within the relevant spin dynamic calculations. This enables tool motional dynamics to be imposed on the signal acquisition. Several movement profiles are considered: linear axial movement to replicate wireline logging tool motion, as well as axial harmonic and lateral harmonic movement to simulate the shocks and vibrations experienced during logging while drilling. Lateral motion is observed to cause a greater degree of signal attenuation relative to axial motion due to the cylindrical shape of the excited volume. The magnitude of motion (e.g. the velocity of linear motion or the amplitude of harmonic motion) is demonstrated to increase the severity of signal attenuation, as expected. However, the frequency of harmonic motion demonstrates a more complex effect on the measured signal. The harmonic interaction between the motion frequency and measurement frequency (determined by the echo spacing) can cause wave interference which results in enhanced or diminished signal attenuation. Finally, we demonstrate that reducing both the magnetic field gradient as well as the echo spacing reduce the degree of signal attenuation observed during measurement. The results presented in this work demonstrate how the optimisation of key design parameters can be used to control the sensitivity of NMR logging tools towards motion.

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