
Abstract The intense and moist winds in a tropical cyclone (TC) environment can produce strong mountain waves and enhanced precipitation over complex terrain, yet few studies have investigated how the orographic precipitation in a TC environment might respond to global warming. Here, we use large-eddy simulation to estimate the global warming–induced change in the precipitation near an idealized mountain (1 km maximum height) with pseudo global warming. Two regions exhibit enhanced precipitation, one over the mountain and the other in the downstream region 25–45 km away from the mountain. The enhanced precipitation in both regions is related to the seeder–feeder mechanism, although the enhancement in the downstream regions differs from the conventional definition and is referred to as the pseudo-seeder–feeder mechanism (PSF). In the PSF, mountain waves generate an intense cloud formation center in the midtroposphere above the lee slope, and the resulting hydrometeors drift downstream, intensifying downstream convection when they fall into proper locations. Under warming, the overmountain precipitation maximum exhibits minimal changes, while the downstream precipitation maximum exhibits a large sensitivity of 18% K−1. The small sensitivity of the first precipitation peak is due to the canceling effects of thermodynamic and dynamic changes. The large sensitivity in the downstream region is mainly due to the strengthening of the wave-induced midtroposphere cloud formation center, which supplies more hydrometeors to the downstream region and enhances precipitation efficiency through the enhanced PSF mechanism. However, the downstream precipitation sensitivity varies with mountain geometry. Higher mountain height enhances precipitation but lowers the sensitivity to warming. Significance Statement The combination of typhoon environment and orography can produce intense precipitation and thereby severe flooding risks. Here, we investigate the global warming response of orographic precipitation in a typhoon environment with idealized, high-resolution simulations. The experiments suggest that under warming, a precipitation maximum may emerge in the downstream region of a mountain or strengthen and shift upwind if it already exists in the current climate. This surprising amplification of downstream-region precipitation is related to the enhancement of the midtropospheric cloud generation caused by mountain waves and has critical implications for flooding risk management in mountainous regions.

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