
Abstract Outflows of ionized gas driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) may significantly impact the evolution of their host galaxies. However, determining the energetics of these outflows is difficult with spatially unresolved observations that are subject to strong global selection effects. We present part of an ongoing study using Hubble Space Telescope and Apache Point Observatory spectroscopy and imaging to derive spatially resolved mass outflow rates and energetics for narrow-line region outflows in nearby AGN that are based on multi-component photoionization models to account for spatial variations in gas ionization, density, abundances, and dust content. This expanded analysis adds Mrk 3, Mrk 78, and NGC 1068, doubling our earlier sample. We find that the outflows contain total ionized gas masses of M ≈ 105.5–107.5 M ⊙ and reach peak velocities of v ≈ 800–2000 km s−1. The outflows reach maximum mass outflow rates of yr−1 and encompass total kinetic energies of E ≈ 1054–1056 erg. The outflows extend to radial distances of r ≈ 0.1–3 kpc from the nucleus, with the gas masses, outflow energetics, and radial extents positively correlated with AGN luminosity. The outflow rates are consistent with in situ ionization and acceleration where gas is radiatively driven at multiple radii. These radial variations indicate that spatially resolved observations are essential for localizing AGN feedback and determining the most accurate outflow parameters.

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