
Heavy metals in beverages can constitute serious problems to human health. Consumption of wine may contribute to the daily dietary intake of pollutants, especially of toxic (heavy) metals. These compounds are also known as priority pollutants due to their potential toxic effects, if concentrations are not kept under allowable limits. Many characteristics such as: quality, origin, aroma and health safety of wine are influenced by environmental and anthropogenic factors. Hence, the contamination of wine by priority pollutants may occur at different stages of vine-growing, due to the application of agricultural chemicals, or at different stage of winemaking and ageing, because of the extended contact of wine with winemaking equipment materials (aluminium, brass, glass, stainless steel and wood, etc.), or chemicals used for cleaning and sanitation. The aim of this study is to identify and quantify the heavy metal ions from red wines. A particular focus was attributed to Zn and Cd from destemming-pressing-filtration-bottling stages in Fetească neagră grape variety from Cotnari vine growing region of Romania. Results indicated that heavy metals were linked to diverse Zn and Cd sources and complexes during the winemaking processes. Concentration of Zn and Cd were generally higher in must than in wine, although heavy metals concentrations were lower than the limits recommended by the International Organization of Vine and Wine for human health safety.

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