
Transiliac-transsacral screw fixation is widely used to stabilize unstable posterior pelvic ring injuries. Preoperative radiographic assessment of the safe osseous corridor is necessary because the safe space of sacrum is narrower for transiliac-transsacral screw placement than for traditional iliosacral screw placement. However, the radiographic assessment has rarely been studied in the Taiwanese population. We retrospectively analyzed 100 patients with pelvic computed tomography images and divided them into normal and dysmorphic pelvis groups. To determine the safe osseous space, we recorded cross-section area, cross-sectional diameter of the safe zone (CS-szD), and safe zone width on axial view (Ax-szW) in the S1 to S3 segments. The prevalence of dysmorphic pelvis was 48% among all patients. In the S1 segment, no differences were found in the cross-section area and CS-szD been the two groups. However, the Ax-szW was significantly smaller in the dysmorphic pelvis group. In the S2 segment, the cross-section area, CS-szD, and Ax-szW were all significantly larger in the dysmorphic pelvis group. In the S3 segment, the cross-section area and CS-szD of the normal pelvis group were both significantly smaller. No differences were found in the Ax-szW between the two groups. Based on our findings in a Taiwanese population, S1 was the most suitable segment for transiliac-transsacral screw fixation in a normal pelvis, whereas S2, followed by S3, was most suitable in a dysmorphic pelvis. This study offers surgeons information on identifying the optimal sacral segment for transiliac-transsacral screw placement for each pelvic morphology. [Orthopedics. 2024;47(1):e13-e18.].

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