
AbstractObjectivesInvestigate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as an alternative to Computerised Tomography (CT) when calculating kinematics using Biplane Video X-ray (BVX) by quantifying the accuracy of a combined MRI-BVX methodology by comparing with results from a gold-standard bead-based method.MethodsWritten informed consent was given by one participant who had four tantalum beads implanted into their distal femur and proximal tibia from a previous study. Three-dimensional (3D) models of the femur and tibia were segmented (Simpleware Scan IP, Synopsis) from an MRI scan (Magnetom 3T Prisma, Siemens). Anatomical Coordinate Systems (ACS) were applied to the bone models using automated algorithms1. The beads were segmented from a previous CT and co-registered with the MRI bone models to calculate their positions. BVX (60 FPS, 1.25 ms pulse width) was recorded whilst the participant performed a lunge. The beads were tracked, and the ACS position of the femur and tibia were calculated at each frame (DSX Suite, C-Motion Inc.). The beads were digitally removed from the X-rays (MATLAB, MathWorks) allowing for blinded image-registration of the MRI models to the radiographs. The mean difference and standard deviation (STD) between bead-generated and image-registered bone poses were calculated for all degrees of freedom (DOF) for both bones. Using the principles defined by Grood and Suntay2, 6 DOF kinematics of the tibiofemoral joint were calculated (MATLAB, MathWorks). The mean difference and STD between these two sets of kinematics were calculated.ResultsThe absolute mean femur and tibia ACS position differences (Table 1) between the bead and image-registered poses were found to be within 0.75mm for XYZ, with all STD within ±0.5mm. Mean rotation differences for both bones were found to be within 0.2º for XYZ (Table 1). The absolute mean tibiofemoral joint translations (Table 1) were found to be within ±0.7mm for all DOF, with the smallest absolute mean in compression-distraction. The absolute mean tibiofemoral rotations were found to be within 0.25º for all DOF (Table 1), with the smallest mean was found in abduction-adduction. The largest mean and STD were found in internal-external rotation due to the angle of the X-rays relative to the joint movement, increasing the difficulty of manual image registration in that plane.ConclusionThe combined MRI-BVX method produced bone pose and tibiofemoral kinematics accuracy similar to previous CT results3. This allows for confidence in future results, especially in clinical applications where high accuracy is needed to understand the effects of disease and the efficacy of surgical interventions. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) doctoral training grant (EP/T517951/1).Declaration of Interest(b) declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported:I declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research project.

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