
BACKGROUND: Parada (mercury, Hg) is one of the important core ingredients in Rasa Aushadhi (metalo-mineral preparations). But owing to its origin, many metals and minerals are likely to be present in mercury as impurities. Direct use of such impure mercury may cause various types of complications, and hence preprocess of mercury is essential prior to its therapeutic use. Almost all classical texts related to Rasa Shastra (Ayurveda pharmaceutics for metalo-mineral preparations) have emphasized Parada Shodhana (purifying process of mercury) but with a variety of methods. These methods need to be revalidated with comprehensive methodology to develop its standard operative procedure (SOP), because standardization of the drugs is very crucial to ensure quality, efficacy, and reproducibility. Hence, to begin with, purifying process of mercury mentioned in Rasatarangini was adopted in the present research work. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: Present study aimed to develop pharmaceutical standardization of purifying process of mercury accomplished by quantification of mercury percentage through inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). MATERIALS AND METHODS: purifying process of mercury was done in three batches with lime powder, garlic, and rock salt, as mentioned in Rasatarangini. ICP-AES was carried out on the samples of unprocessed mercury, mercury after processing with lime powder (intermediate stage), and processed mercury after processing with garlic and rock salt. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was observed that processed mercury became bright silver in color and luster was increased in comparison to unprocessed mercury. The total average loss of mercury was 28.2%. ICP-AES analysis showed that the percentage of mercury decreased to 99.93% from 99.97%. CONCLUSION: Results of the present pharmaceutical process will help future researches to reproduce the same results and could be considered as SOP. Decrease in mercury % and introduction of arsenic and cadmium in the processed mercury indicate that trace elements of media are added in permissible quantity during this process.

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