
Neste estudo analisamos a base social dos partidos autoritários e nacionalistas (AN) na União Europeia a partir de uma teoria que articula dimensões sociais e culturais. Pretende-se caracterizar e compreender este eleitorado, e explicar o seu crescimento, considerando a sua classe social, escolaridade, rendimento, orientações sociais, valores humanos e atitudes relativamente aos imigrantes, e observando trajetórias de desigualdades. Os dados são do European Social Survey e de informação contextual ao nível nacional sobre desigualdades económicas e escolares, e sobre mobilidade social. Observa-se que os votantes nos partidos AN são sobretudo operários e trabalhadores agrícolas, com escolaridade muito baixa e rendimento baixo. Caracterizam-se pela orientação social da heteronomia, uma disposição conformista paradigmática que combina conformidade com a desigualdade e conformidade com a hetero-determinação da própria posição social, aqui definida pela baixa importância atribuída aos valores humanos da igualdade e da criatividade. A heteronomia permite compreender um largo espectro de traços culturais desta população como a sua atitude excludente relativamente aos imigrantes. E verifica-se que a expansão deste eleitorado acompanha processos de crescimento da desigualdade, nomeadamente escolar, bem como de mobilidade descendente, e de exclusão social.


  • The social base of authoritarian and nationalist partiesIn recent times we observe an increase of voting in authoritarian and nationalist (AN) parties in oldest democracies and most developed countries, including in the European Union (EU) that was founded with the objective of creating a supranational cooperative space and putting an end to war in Europe

  • In this study we analyse the social base of authoritarian and nationalist (AN) parties in the European Union grounded on a theory that articulates social and cultural dimensions

  • In recent times we observe an increase of voting in authoritarian and nationalist (AN) parties in oldest democracies and most developed countries, including in the European Union (EU) that was founded with the objective of creating a supranational cooperative space and putting an end to war in Europe

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The social base of authoritarian and nationalist parties

In recent times we observe an increase of voting in authoritarian and nationalist (AN) parties in oldest democracies and most developed countries, including in the European Union (EU) that was founded with the objective of creating a supranational cooperative space and putting an end to war in Europe.. The alternative explanation that sees an irrational behaviour of AN electors considering that these voters have “no specific values or policy preferences” may be challenged if we work on a theoretical ground that analyses dispositions and social orientations expressed both in rational and non-rational action Contributing to reduce this gap, we study the social base of AN parties grounded on a theory that articulates social and cultural dimensions. A further original contribution is the expectation that the growth of AN social base is associated with the expansion of heteronomy By this we mean a conformist social orientation that helps to understand values and cultural traits involved in authoritarianism and nationalism, the relation of AN voters with society, their attitudes towards immigrants, and why a socially deprived population is an effective Right-wing voter (Casanova and Almeida, 2018). The indicator of vote is the party people voted for in last national election

Sociocultural characterization and comprehension of AN electorate
Heteronomous and exclusionary
Nonconformity with inequality
On the edge of social exclusion
Father born in country
Industrial and agricultural workers
AN voters
Growing inequality and heteronomy
Intergenerational variation in highest level of education
Sweden United Kingdom
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