
Subject area Social entrepreneurship Study level/applicability The case can be a learning resource for management students and budding entrepreneurs with aspirations for a career in the field of social entrepreneurship. Case overview This case examines the organizational change and dilemmas social entrepreneurs have to face when enterprises grow. The organization under study “Action for Children Today” (ACT) aimed to help under privileged children. The organization was the brain child of young, energetic, media professional Ananthi Subramanian. Ananthi had never dreamt of being a social entrepreneur, but her mission of inclusion for underprivileged orphans in mainstream society by educating and inculcating skills, took her towards a new life and career. The endeavour began as a shelter for homeless children, but Ananthi came across other issues faced by the children, so new ventures were added under the umbrella of ACT. Although it was never an easy journey, Ananthi’s commitment kept her motivated to work for the cause and the organization that started with just one child has been home to more than 300 children up to the present day. ACT had its share of ups and downs through its journey and the case is based on certain issues and challenges that the organization had to face and how it overcame those hurdles. Expected learning outcomes Expected learning outcomes are as follows: a better understanding of different forms of social entrepreneurship; an understanding of problems and challenges faced by social entrepreneurs; and an understanding of how to implement new business models. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email support@emeraldinsight.com to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS: 3 Entrepreneurship

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