
The aim of the work. Studying the peculiarities of the morphological and anatomical structures of leaves, stems and flowers of some Lamium L. species growing widely in Western Ukraine with the definition of diagnostic features of their raw materials. Materials and Methods. The objects of the research were the air-dry and freshly harvested and fixed in a mixture of glycerin-alcohol-water (1: 1: 1) raw materials of some Lamium L. species. The raw material has been examined with the naked eye and with a magnifying glass (x10) in daylight. The anatomical features of plants' organs have been studied on the prepared epidermis and preparations from the surface under a microscope Delta Optical Genetic Pro (Poland). The obtained data has been recorded using schematic drawings and photographs. Results and Discussion. The analysis of diagnostic features of Lamium galeobdolon plant raw material have been performed with herb of Lamium album L., Lamium glaberrimum (C. Koch) Taliev, Lamium purpureum L. which can be impure. The features have been established: numerous simple thin-walled 1–2–3 cellular hairs. At the base of the hairs there are weak nodular swellings of the basal cell, the base is slightly expanded and immersed in the base, which is formed by several epidermal cells. On the epidermis of the stem and leaves there are glands that have a short 2-cell stalk and 4- or 5-6-cell spherical head. Other studied species of the genus Lamium are characterized by the following features. Lamium album: multicellular and unicellular hairs, glandular hairs with a unicellular stalk and 8–12 cell head; and also with a unicellular leg and a two-, four-cell head. Lamium purpureum: typical are simple two-celled hairs with a coarse warty surface, head hairs and branched hairs are on the inside of the corolla tube, essential oil glands. Lamium glaberrimum: short two-celled with wide cavity hairs with a warty surface, tortuous epidermis of the lower side of the leaf blade and underdeveloped glands are rarely found. Conclusion.The morphological and anatomical studies of leaves, stems, and flowers of Lamium galeobdolon (L.) Crantz (syn. Galeobdolon luteum Huds.) comparatively with the aboveground organs of Lamium album L., Lamium glaberrimum (C. Koch) Taliev, and Lamium purpureum L. have been conducted. The diagnostic features of raw materials of these species have been established. The obtained results will be used to develop the parameters of standardization of the studied Lamium galeobdolon plant raw material.

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