
In the current conditions of European integration processes taking place in Ukraine, the study of the quality of service provision, including transport, is becoming relevant. This problem is important not only from the theoretical point of view - for the development of the doctrine of private law, but also from a practical point of view, since every ordinary citizen is an individual - a consumer of transport services. Therefore, research on the quality of transport services is aimed at satisfying the actual needs of science and practice. The purpose of this article is to study the concept of quality of transport services and criteria for its definition, taking into account the achievements of modern civilist doctrine and the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine. The article is devoted to the legal aspect of the concept of quality of transport services and criteria for its definition. It was clarified that today the criteria for the provision of transport services in the legislation of Ukraine are not defined. However, international experience proves the necessity and effectiveness of their consolidation at the normative level. It is proposed to borrow from the EU legislation and to establish at the legislative level minimum standards of quality of transport services for each type of transport, which would include the following criteria: a) informing the customer about the peculiarities of providing transport services; b) the accuracy of the provision of services and the basic principles of action in case of violation in the provision of services; c) the speed of transport services; d) cleanliness and comfort of vehicles; e) availability for payment and distribution of the network; f) assistance to people with disabilities; g) handling complaints, compensation and damages in case of non-compliance with service quality standards, etc.

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